Are you ready for the future of infrastructure?
AECOM’s survey of more than 500 senior industry professionals shows that the infrastructure industry is at a pivotal moment in its history.
Are you ready for the challenges and opportunities ahead?
Use our five-minute tool to find out how you compare with infrastructure organizations around the world.

AECOM’s survey of more than 500 senior industry professionals shows that the civil infrastructure industry is at a pivotal moment in its history.
Is your organization ready for the challenges and opportunities ahead?
Our five-minute tool enables you to compare your organization to peers around the world and to find out how you measure up to their expectations for best practice in the industry.
Tell us about your business
Q1/ Which region are you based in?
North America
Asia Pacific
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Tell us about your business
Q2/ Which of these sectors do you work in?
Academia & research
Maritime ports & inland waterways
Professional associations/membership
Public sector
Water resources
Water supply/wastewater management
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Bridging the funding gap
Q3/ Which, if any, of the following funding methods is your organization most likely to be looking at/interested in?
Pick up to three
Structuring contracts to reward for time and cost savings
New/innovative funding models
Better incentives for private contractors to bid for earlier-stage projects
Greater government intervention for projects with national significance or potential to increase public good
A rebalancing toward extending the use of existing assets rather than building new ones
Enhanced project delivery — innovative methods that substitute the need for more investment
Use of public-private partnership (P3) models with private financing/investing
Enhanced approaches to toll gathering (e.g. better electronic toll collection or open-road tolling, etc.)
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Preparing for the cyber threat
Q4/ Would any of the following cyber events pose a direct or catastrophic threat to your organization or projects?
Pick all that apply
Hackers holding entire buildings or networks for ransom
Hackers disrupting the traffic flow of a city
Hackers disrupting a transportation network
A cyber event that causes death or serious injury by taking control of machinery
Hackers holding key project data for ransom
Don’t know/can’t say/not applicable
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Embedding resilience
Q5/ In your view, how effective is your organization at embedding resilience across the following areas?
Very poor
Very poor
Very good
Very good
Don’t know
/not applicable
Economic sustainability
Environmental sustainability
Social sustainability
Resilience to climate change
Future proofing for new technologies
Resilience to cyberattack
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Delivering projects faster
Q6/ Which of the following would you say is the biggest cause of delays on your projects?
Pick up to three
Time spent waiting for other partners to complete responsibilities
The expected time frames set are unrealistic
Ineffective relationships between project sponsors, oversight agencies and others
Difficulty securing additional funding when required
The project started at least five years after time frames were agreed
Difficulty working with different project partners (cultural differences, inflexible processes, etc.)
Extended/poor quality communication and other stakeholder consultation
Difficulty in getting the right skills/talents
Overall objectives are unrealistic/unachievable
Unclear guidance on which partners are carrying out which tasks
Poor governance
Don’t know/can’t say/not applicable
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Overcoming project challenges
Q7/ To your best estimate, what proportion of your organization’s recent projects have run into major difficulties — that you think could have been avoided?
None of our projects have run into major difficulties
Don’t know/can’t say/not applicable
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New skills
Q8/ Which of these skills are you/your organization currently seeking to recruit?
Pick up to three
Project management
Data analytics
Environmental expertise
Advanced digital skills [machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), etc.]
Strategy/scenario planning
Life-cycle operations and maintenance or facilities maintenance
Don’t know/can’t say/not applicable
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Congratulations! You’ve successfully benchmarked your organization.
Below is a snapshot of your results.
See how you compare to more than 500 senior industry figures.