From the ashes of Ground Zero in New York City, a new and vibrant World Trade Center (WTC) emerged, with AECOM at the center of it all. Along with the World Trade Center’s new towers One, Three and Four and the Vehicular Security Center, AECOM served, in a joint venture, as construction manager for the 800,000-square-foot WTC Transportation Hub. We also participated in the design of the Hub as part of a joint venture led by world-renowned architect Santiago Calatrava. The Hub is the third largest transportation center in New York City.
The Hub connects as many as 250,000 pedestrians daily to 11 different subway lines. From the Hub, pedestrians also have quick access to the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) rail system, Battery Park City Ferry Terminal, the World Trade Center Memorial Site, four of the World Trade Center buildings, the World Financial Center, and the Winter Garden. Additionally, subgrade pedestrian connections connect the PATH system with the New York City Transit subway system, surrounding site development, and other transit facilities.
The Hub features ample openness to provide passengers with a sense of security as well as clear visual orientation to both interior and exterior building functions. In addition, the Hub facilities incorporate sustainable architectural design and conform to Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.
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